DNC Delegates to Congress: Cut off military aid when Israel Annexes Jordan Valley
As DNC delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention, we fully support efforts to withhold $3.8 billion in military aid to Israel as it unilaterally annexes the Israeli-occupied Jordan Valley, which includes the Dead Sea basin, extends 10 miles into the West Bank and forms the border between Jordan to the east, and Israel and the West Bank to the west.
Please support Representatives Jayapal (D-WA), Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), McCullum (D-Minn.),Tlaib (D-Mich.), Omar (D-Minn.) and other members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who are calling on the U.S. government to place conditions and limitations on the continuation of military aid to Israel for settling and stealing the Jordan Valley from the Palestinians.
The billions we give unconditionally to Israel could be spent on domestic priorities and social programs benefiting our most marginalized communities in the United States, which is especially important today as millions of Americans suffer without healthcare, jobs, education, and housing amidst a global pandemic.
Today the Jordan Valley amounts to minimally 22% of the Palestinian land proposed for an independent Palestinian state and is home to an estimated 58,000 Palestinians.
The Israeli government’s latest annexation will leave Palestinians in control of less than 15% of historic Palestine and completely surrounded by Israel.
In light of the anticipated Israeli annexation of more Palestinian land, we urge Congress to vote no on further military aid to Israel. This unilateral annexation is illegal under international law and will only further jeopardize a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- Hanieh Jodat Barnes, CA Delegate (CD-45)
- Karen Bernal, CA Delegate (CD-6)
- Sudi Farokhnia, CA Delegate (CD-45)
- Sam Hindi, CA Delegate (CD-14)
- Murad Sarama, CA Delegate (CD-06)
- Asa Strout-Hearick, CA Delegate (CD-15)
- Sameena Usman, CA Delegate (CD-17)
- Marcy Winograd, CA Delegate (CD-24)
9. Nadia Ahmad, FL Delegate (CD-07)
10. Elizabeth Alcantar, CA Delegate (CD-40)
11. Jacob Allen, NV Delegate (CD-2)
12. Roberto Alvarez, CA Delegate (CD-38)
13. Marcus de R. Antuna, TX Delegate (SD-19)
14. Joey Aszterbaum, CA Delegate (CD-36)
15. Allan Max Axelrod, IL Delegate (CD-13)
16. Tara Bailey, AL Delegate (CD-5)
17. Amber Beichler, VA Delegate at Large
18. Monica Elaine Bahtia, TX Delegate (SD-21)
19. Dana Baker, CA Delegate (CD-4)
20. Nina Baldwin, CA (alternate) Delegate (CD-45)
21. Amber Beichler, VA Delegate (at large)
22. Timothy Beyer, CA Delegate, (CD-43)
23. Yousuf Bhaghani, CA Delegate (CD-42)
24. Bianchi Bill, IL Delegate (CD-05)
25. Patricia Blochowiak, OH Delegate (CD-11)
26. Walter Bolles, NC Delegate (CD-2)
27. Art Bradsley, IL Delegate (CD-16)
28. Caleb Burnett, AL Delegate (CD-6)
29. Sonya Bykofsky, MA Delegate (CD-1)
30. Sebastian Cazares, CA Delegate (CD-25)
31. Chris Copeland, CA Delegate (CD-14)
32. Cathy Cowen Becker, OH Delegate (CD-15)
33. Iris Chadab, Virginia Delegate (CD-8)
34. Michelle Ching, CA Delegate (CD-37)
35. Jenny Chung, A Delegate (CD-40)
36. Irina Cioaca, MI Delegate (CD-11)
37. Carol Cook, CA Alternate Delegate (CD-13)
38. Gloria Conejo, CA Delegate (CD-50)
39. Troy Corley, CA Delegate (CD-26)
40. Mary Hsia-Coron, CA Delegate (CD-20)
41. Mimi Dean, CA Delegate (CD-15)
42. Robin Wilson-Derton, TX Delegate (SD-5)
43. Amy Dean, VA Delegate (CD-7)
44. Anne Dlugosz, Delegate (DA France)
45. Tom Duke, MASS Delegate (CD-2)
46. Jade Duran, AZ Delegate (CD-9)
47. Silvia Dominguez, MASS Delegate (CD-5)
48. Lesley Ester, CA Delegate (CD-2)
49. Alexandra Evans, CA Delegate (CD-2)
50. Victor Frias, CA Delegate (CD-40)
51. Gamal Us Gasser, FL Delegate (CD-15)
52. Emily Gibson, OR Delegate (CD-2)
53. Steve Gibson, CA Delegate (CD-27)
54. Bryan Girardinelli, CA Delegate (CD-42)
55. Ana Gonzalez, CA Delegate (CD-35)
56. Elizabeth Sinai Gonzalez, CA Delegate (CD-46)
57. Roxanna Gracia, CA Delegate (CD-41)
58. Sarwat Malik-Hassan, NJ Delegate (CD-10)
59. Alan Haffa, CA Delegate (CD-20)
60. Hiwad Haider, CA Delegate (CD-18)
61. Syed Fayyaz Hassan, TX Delegate (SD-22)
62. Erika Hastings, TN Delegate (CD-8)
63. Jared Hicks, MA Delegate (CD-7)
64. William Honigman, CA Delegate (CD-45)
65. Margie Hoyt, CA Delegate (CD-43)
66. Henry Huerta, CA Delegate (CD-38)
67. Zenaida Maria Huerta, CA Delegate (CD-38)
68. Zeina Hutchison, VA Delegate (CD10)
69. Katherine Huynh, CA Delegate (CD-43)
70. Jaci Iannello, CA Delegate (CD- 48)
71. Antonio Ibarra, IL Delegate (CD-11)
72. Diego Jauregui, VA Delegate (At Large)
73. Heather Johnson, CA Delegate (CD-31)
74. Lucinda Johnston, FL Delegate (CD-13)
75. Rommy Joyce, CA Delegate (CD-19)
76. Karima Abdul-Khabar, CA Delegate (CD-8)
77. Mani Kang, CA Delegate (CD-46)
78. Philip Keisler, MO Delegate (CD-1)
79. Amanda Kennedy, AR Delegate (CD-02)
80. Ava Kennedy, CA Delegate (CD-5)
81. Halima Khan, CA Delegate (CD-9)
82. Talat Khan, CA Delegate (CD-31)
83. Kari Khoury, CA Delegate (CD-9)
84. Isabel Klemmer, WI Delegate (CD-06)
85. Chris Larranga, NM Delegate (CD-1)
86. Alex Lee, CA Delegate (CD-17)
87. Chris Larranga, NM Delegate (CD-1)
88. Lyndsey Lefebvre, CA Delegate (CD-45)
89. Jennifer Ann Leister, VA Delegate at Large
90. Andy Lewandowski, CA Delegate (CD-39)
91. Francis Li, CA Delegate (CD-12)
92. Elizabeth Lira, CA Delegate (CD-16)
93. Cheng-Sim Lim, CA Delegate (CD-28)
94. Chris Liquori, NH Delegate (CD-1)
95. Melanie Liu, CA Delegate (CD-18)
96. Pesach Lubinsky, CA Delegate (CD-31)
97. Jennifer Lum, Hawaii Delegate (CD -1)
98. Nita Ellenbach-Lynch, CO Delegate (CD-1)
99. Melissa Shuen- Mallory CA Delegate (CD-15)
100. Pratyush Mallick, TX Delegate (SD-08)
101. Christine Mann, TX Delegate (SD-5)
102. Beth Martin, WA Delegate (CD-09)
103. Christopher McClain, CA Delegate (CD-31)
104. Bob MGrath, CO Delegate (CD-7)
105. K.A. McCord, NM Delegate (CD-1)
106. Maribel McKinze, CA Delegate (CD-51)
107. Jamie Moffa, MO Delegate (CD-1)
108. Sabina Mohammad, TX Delegate (SD-18)
109. Hatem Natsheh, TX Delegate (SD-25)
110. Robert Nelson, CA Delegate (CD-27)
111. Gus Newport, CA Delegate (CD13)
112. Mustafa Nizam, CA Delegate (CD-49)
113. Dotty Nygard, CA Delegate (CD-10)
114. Margaret Okuzumi, CA Delegate (CD-17)
115. Melody Pajak, NC Delegate (CD-11)
116. Dayja Palma, TX Delegate (SD 22)
117. Josh Palmer, VA Delegate (CD-5)
118. Andrew Parr, VA Delegate (CD-08)
119. Daniel Peeden, CA Delegate (CD-35)
120. Juan Perez, CO Delegate (CD-51)
121. Mindy Pfeiffer, CA Delegate (CD-27)
122. Bryan Reese, CA Delegate (CD7)
123. Solveij Rosa Praxis TX Delegate (SD21)
124. Faisal Qazi, CA Delegate (CD-39)
125. Stacey Ramos, CA Delegate (CD 35)
126. Denis Recendez, CA Delegate (CD-32)
127. Weston Roberts, CO Delegate (CD-1)
128. Samantha Reynolds, CO Delegate, (CD 2)
129. Faraz Rizvi, CA Delegate (CD-42)
130. Maha Rizvi, CA Delegate (CD-42)
131. Maya Rodriguez, CA Delegate (CD-41)
132. Tisa Rodriguez, CA Delegate (CD-41)
133. Katy Roemer, CA Delegate (CD-13)
134. M Emad Salem, TX Delegate (SD-10)
135. Ibraheem Samirah, VA Delegate-at large (CD-11)
136. Wendy Santamaria, CA Delegate (CD-24)
137. Philip Schrager, HI Delegate (CD-1)
138. Carrie Scoville, CA Delegate (CD-44)
139. Susie Shannon, CA Elected DNC Delegate
140. Jeri Shepherd, CO Delegate (CD-4)
141. Chrys Shimizu, CA Delegate (CD-30)
142. Avneet Sidhu, KS Delegate (CD-3)
143. Amar Singh Shergill, CA Delegate (CD-7)
144. Shaun Sindelman, CO Delegate (CD-4)
145. Jeremy Siocon, CA Delegate (CD-52)
146. Jonathan Sokolow, VA Delegate (CD-11)
147. Norman Solomon, CA Delegate (CD-02)
148. Josh Stanfield, VA Delegate (CD-02)
149. Karen Stevens, CA Delegate (CD-26)
150. William Moses Summerville, CA Delegate (CD-48)
151. Andrew Swetland, CA Delegates (CD-47)
152. Sean L. Swoboda, CA Delegate (CD-08)
153. Stephanie Terrazas, CA Delegate (CD-39)
154. Yaddi Ty, WA Delegate (CD-02)
155. Victoria Thompson, CA Delegate (CD-7)
156. Omar Torres, CA Delegate (CD-19)
157. Shirley Toy, CA Delegate (CD-6)
158. Igor Tregub, CA Delegate (CD-13)
159. Ross Trivisionno, TX Delegate (SD-18)
160. Alfred Twu, CA Delegate (CD-13)
161. Cynthia Cox Ubaldo, OH Delegate (CD-3)
162. Nazim Uddin, NC Delegate (at large)
163. Juan Vazquez, CA Delegate (CD-10)
164. Victor Valladares, CA Delegate (CD-48)
165. Vandearlyn Vong, CA Delegate (CD-47)
166. Ken Warfield, CA Delegate (CD-39)
167. Michael Wakcher, CA Delegate (CD-29)
168. Richard Welsh, CA Delegate (CD-30)
169. Miller Wey, TN Delegate (CD-5)
170. Audrey Wong, CA Delegate (CD-33)
171. Maggie Wunderly, IL Delegate, At Large (CD-11)
172. Brandon Youngblood, CA Delegate (CD-9)
173. Mahmoud Zahriya, CA Delegate (CD-7)
174. Brendan Ziebarth, MO Delegate (at large)